First Chapter of "The House on Blackstone Hill"

You have been lied to about your very existence. You have been lied to your entire life. Not just your life, but the lives of your parents, your grandparents, great-grandparents, all the way back for hundreds of generations. You and everyone you know have been lied to, and everything you think is sure in the world, every piece of firm ground upon which you have built your understanding of reality is nothing but shifting sands. The world you think you live in, the world you assume to be so predictable and obvious, so mundane and average, is nothing but a thin veneer covering a much deeper, darker, dangerous world. The world you think you live in is a lie. By and large, this lie was not perpetrated upon you and your forebearers deliberately. As time went on, the knowledge of things once well-known were forgotten, and then the memory of those things became mere myth and legend. Things became shrouded in the mist, and as so often happens, were lost. You will note, however, my De...