Prologue to "All-American Werewolf."

Today, I have submitted my next book, All-American Werewolf , to my publisher, Next Chapter Publishing. For various reasons I've been holding back on this since January, but I'm now ready to hand it over so it can be published, which I would expect by sometime this summer. I'm very excited! So to celebrate this achievement and to give you a little taste of what we have coming, I've decided to share the prologue with you. If you want a bit more of a flavor for the book, you can check out a teaser I published earlier on my blog of the first chapter here . Enjoy! PROLOGUE Are you ready? Are you, my Dear Friend, ready to delve once again into this world of horror, into this twisted hellscape we’ve only just started to explore – this, the Atrocissimus? We scratched the surface of this perverse space and began to expand your awareness in my first book, The House on Blackstone Hill . There I revealed to you some horrifying truths of the world around you, and now, with ever...