Witches and Wizards

By this point, I've made it abundantly clear that demons are the great enemy slithering in the Atrocissimus, and it is because of these foul creatures and their Satanic master that we have so much horror in the world. Yet the simple reality of the matter is that the demons' power would never fully be manifested in this world if not for the actions of witches and wizards. These people are essentially the portals through which demonic power flows from the abyss into the material world. Magic users -- just like werewolves, vampires, and zombies -- have of late been rehabilitated in the media, especially TV shows and movies. Rather than twisted humans who have turned their lives over to evil for wealth and power, they've recently been portrayed as plucky teenagers expressing their independence, wise elder leaders fighting to protect the weak, or just light-hearted gifted folks out to have a good time. They are none of these things. They are evil, purely evil, in league with S...