The Biggest Mystery?

The Atrocissimus is full of mysterious entities and creatures that defy explanation. It is a vast arcane landscape, occult in the most literal definition of the word -- secret in all ways possible. 

But beyond the creatures that exist there, the working of the demons and their evil designs, the thin veil that exists between their world and ours, there is actually a mystery far greater than all of these in the Atrocissimus: Me.

How is it that I have all this knowledge? How is it I can chronicle the demonic entities, their designs, their lusts, their attacks against humanity? How is it that I've peered into the flaming maelstrom of Hell and have come back to tell its secrets?

That is indeed a mystery. It is one that will be explored as time goes on in my future stories. If you want to learn more about me, check out this website by an annoying investigative reporter that seems obsessed with my past. You can also watch this video...


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