
 Ghosts are, perhaps, the oldest member in mankind's collection of supernatural characters. There are documented ghost stories that date back to the earliest epochs of the ancient world, and is actually something that dates in undocumented forms much further back even than that. Humans have whispered to each other stories of vengeful or lost ghosts for as long as there have been humans on the planet to speak.  

The ghost is something we see in cultures all across the world, and in every time period. Suffice it to say, ghosts are ubiquitous.

Despite modern skeptics and the hoards of people that, when presented with clear evidence of a ghost scream "It's a hoax," I can tell you ghosts are most assuredly real. Ghosts are a very distinctive element in the Atrocissimus, as I explain in The House on Blackstone Hill:

Ghosts are true, too, and are used to terrorize people, to cause as much psychic angst as possible for the tortured delight of some wretched demon. These are the souls of very evil people whom the lords of hell believed would be even more tormented by being bound to a place they loved in a material world they can no longer interact with. Sometimes these spirits will be released from hell for a time to specifically torture a surviving loved one. And sometimes these are the spirits of otherwise innocent people killed in a place so powerfully demonic they cannot escape, causing that innocent soul endless anguish. I have more, much more, to write about ghosts, but this will suffice for now... 

What's perhaps most distressing is the sheer number of ghosts that exist in the world. Though they tend to be clustered in places in which foul things occurred -- murders, battles, places of physical and emotional torture -- there are always free-floating spirits through out the world. Everywhere you go, there are ghosts. There on your street, in your house, in your bedroom as you sleep.

Ghosts can interact with the physical world, and can become angry or vengeful enough to harm people. When seen, ghosts can appear in any number of ways based upon the whim of the demon holding them here. They can be translucent and mist-like, appearing white, icy blue, or pale green. They can take the appearance of the person at the time of their death, showing gaping wounds and flowing blood, or they can even appear like a rotted corpse. Usually, however, ghosts don't appear at all and can typically only be felt as cold spots. 

So, when you think you saw something move in the corner of your eye, you did. When you turn your head and you thought someone was standing there, there was. When you're alone in a room but feel like you're being watched, you are.

You are always surrounded by ghosts. Always. 


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