The Most Dangerous Beasts of All

The Atrocissimusis ruled over by evil demons and is full of devils, ghosts, ghouls, and other nightmares you thought were only legends. Yet, despite the power of the supernatural in the world, the most dangerous beasts of all are humans. 

As I say in my book, The House on Blackstone Hill:

Truly, deeply evil people are simply a fact, and while you are by now accustomed to the idea in the modern world of violent gang members or homicidal dictators, you may not realize so much of what appears random acts of violence is in fact deliberately directed from afar – or, actually, from below. Across the world there are small covens of witches and wizards that worship Satan, drawing on him for their power, who have committed unthinkable acts of horror in furtherance of their magic. There are also individual worshippers scattered everywhere ready to do his will and who worship him through acts of serial rape and murder. These people work very hard to create a thin veneer of normalcy so that no one would ever think they bowed down to the Evil One himself.

Yet perhaps even more terrifying than these are the large numbers of people in positions of power – in governments across the world, in all the media, in universities, in the military, everywhere – dedicated to this evil, who work hand in hand with the demonic forces for the end of all things. It may horrify you to realize how organized this evil truly is. It is these people who for hundreds of years have manipulated governments, started wars and revolutions, encouraged genocide, all in name of furthering their Satanic master. It is these people, more even than the covens and the lone wolves, who are the most dangerous of all demonic followers. 

Humans remain the most dangerous creatures despite this cast of malevolent characters and are ultimately more terrifying than all the others. 

It should be obvious how the witches and wizards of the Coven Universal, all the other independent covens, lone-wolf magic users, and individual groups of demon worshippers play a part in this wickedness. However, the sad reality of it is someone doesn't need to be part of a coven, or even believe in the Infestisumam, to worship Satan and to promote his goals by the choices they make in how they live their lives.   

Every person who callously ignores the needs of others when they have it within their capabilities to help them is worshipping Satan. Every time a giant corporation makes decisions they know will hurt people to simply increase profit, the demons rejoice. Every time a politician gobbles up more power for themselves at the expense of their people, the Atrocissimus sings in triumph. Every time people profit at the expense of others, every time hate motivates, every time people shut up their eyes to ignore the pleas for help from others, Satan smiles. Every time someone objectifies another and uses them as a thing, as an object, for their own sexual pleasure or for money or advantage or anything, evil wins. 

But don't start feeling too proud of yourself, Dear Friend, thinking this isn't you. We're also dangerous every time we get angry, every time we have unkind thoughts of others, or when we gossip, say hurtful things, whenever we are impatient and mean. We, in our own small ways, worship Satan and strengthen the Atrocissimus.

We're all guilty. All of us, every one of us, to some degree. You, me, everyone on the planet. All of us. We all have some culpability here we need to account for. 

This is why documenting and reporting this foul plane of existence, of shining the bright light of the truth into the dark corners of the Atrocissimus is so vitally important. We all need to take account of our actions that further the dark wishes of the Evil One, but we needn't despair. There is always hope, always a small light that shines in the dark. The more you know about evil the brighter that light shines until it illuminates so well that it can show you the way out. The way home. 

And, in the end, we all want to be welcomed home, don't we?


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