The Truth About Human History

To fully understand and appreciate the destructive path of the Atrocissimus it's vitally important to realize one important fact of human history: It's all wrong. Humans have trod upon the earth for eons longer than historians know, and human civilizations likewise arose far earlier than is believed. There was organized human civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago, ones with trade and commerce and urban centers we would recognize as ones similar, though smaller, to what the world has today. These earliest civilizations -- which withered away over time due to climatic changes, or were destroyed by invaders, or were simply assimilated by others -- had well-developed religions based upon the worship of the demons. Of course, the people didn't know these were foul creatures bent on their own torment and destruction, but since the demons had walked with the earliest humans for millennia, these civilizations accepted without question their divinity. If the demons cum g...