The Great Adversary


In the lowest level of Hell, chained to the throne he so ached to possess, sits Satan, the Great Adversary, the Enemy, the Evil One. He is indeed the Beast with Many Names and has plagued mankind since the beginning of all things. 

Once the angel named Lucifer, he was created to bring the light of God's love and wisdom to all humans, especially to those who were suffering most. Together with the legion of angels he commanded, he was to whisper words of encouragement and guidance to those whose hearts were broken. Lucifer was to help heal a lost world.

Instead, he broke the world he was created to heal. 

Satan sits on this throne, raging, planning, cursing God and finding every way possible to befoul humanity. It is his evil genius that lurks behind every cruel act in the Atrocissimus, it is his hand that guides the demons of this world as they torment and torture humanity. He is hate, he is loathing, and he is violence personified. He is the spirit of conflict. He is the shadow that silently lurks behind every story I write.

He is also cunning beyond all measure. Satan doesn't care if you actually believe in him or not. He does want your worship, but he doesn't need rituals or rites or dogma, even though his demons work closely with the Coven Universal, and the sacrifices it makes for him please Satan greatly. No, he just needs you to live your life as selfishly as possible, to cleave recklessly to your own desires and wants with no consideration of how that might affect others, to live your life as if you are an island unto yourself. The person who lives their life in this way has already given such worship that he delights in. 

Satan is the King of Lies, the master of all deceit, so he has convinced billions that he's nothing but a symbol, an icon of their own rebellious spirit. Through his demons, he's whispered to many that they're perfect exactly as they are, that there's no need for change, and that anyone who suggests otherwise is unenlightened. His lies sound enticing, though they're nothing but honey-dipped shards of jagged glass. All those who believe these falsehoods soon fall victim to them, turning their life of independence into one of nothing but hedonistic egoism. 

There are a great many who already worship Satan without realizing it, regardless of whether they believe in him or not. Every act of cruelty makes him stronger, every time greed and selfishness overpower one's own humanity, every time the weak are ignored, his power intensifies. When the hungry are left to starve, when the weak used, when the sick put aside to die, his evil spirit swells. When humanity destroys this garden in which we live but do not own, Satan delights wickedly. When people worship him in this evil ignorance, they imperil their immortal souls just as if they'd sacrificed a human in Satan's name on the bloody altar.

Satan is the Devourer of Souls...don't allow your soul to be consumed by him!


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