The Elites of the World

They laugh at you. 

The elites of the world hold themselves to very different standards, different rules, different expectations. They make those rules and, shockingly, always seem to craft them so they enrich themselves from the rules, and in so doing, steal even more of what is yours. Your money, your time, your freedom. 

They'll tell you they care, tell you everything they do is motivated by nothing but a sincere desire to serve and improve the lives of the many -- and they lie every time. They lie looking right into your eyes and never once flinch they've become so good at it. They don't care about you any more than they do an insect they might smash without another thought.

They hold you in the uttermost contempt as they steal from you and laugh.

They laugh at your suffering, your poverty of choices, your powerlessness. They laugh that they provide everything you need and can restrict those needs on a whim. They laugh because they have you in the palm of their hands and know they can crush you in an instant if they wish.

The elites -- the ruling class that has spread like a sickening mold in the modern world made up of elected officials, big business leaders, multinational corporations, industrialists, big tech, the media, etc. -- have squeezed everything they can from the average person to enrich themselves and absorb as much power as possible, and the only thing they want is more. Once they have that they'll still want more, and more, and more...  

It will come as no surprise the demons of the Atrocissimus love the elites of the world. They make you suffer because they can, and when they do they laugh at you.

Rules for thee but not for me is their motto, the very words by which they live. They don't believe the rules apply to them because they don't believe they're like you. In their minds, they're better, more deserving, more well equipped to perceive what's really going on in the world. Petty, antiquated concerns like doing the right thing are beneath them, and they can't be distracted by such silly notions. 

And don't think for a second it matters where they come from or what their political leanings are. Left, right, center, it is all the same to the international cadre of elites from across the world. They care only about their stratospheric tribe and making certain its hold of power remains firmly in their iron grasp.

This is why I am so motivated to shine the burning light of truth upon the Atrocissimus and all the foul creatures within it -- demons, yes, but also the humans that consort with them and benefit from their evil. I am sick of watching good people get destroyed by the foul machinations of the elites and their demonic guardians, and I am equally sick of the constant chorus of these elites laughing at the good people of the world. It's time to fight back, and since the pen has always been the mightiest weapon, it's the only acceptable one to use in a fight like this. 

It will be like lifting a rock and watching all the bugs under it scurrying away to find dark places to again hide. Join me in this fight against the Atrocissimus, won't you?


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