Rules of the Atrocissimus

Although the Atrocissimus is ruled over by demons who, by their nature, are chaos and mayhem and destruction incarnate, it still has a fair amount of implacable rules. As I reveal the nature of the Infestissumam itself and write these cautionary tales of horror, I will also be documenting the rules by which the demonic hoards exist. 

What follows is a partial list of the rules of the Atrocissimus. As it becomes relevant to share others later I will do so.

  • Demons do not kill people – death is utterly irrelevant to the demons. They either already have the soul of an evil person or have already lost the soul of saved person, so killing people helps them not one bit. What they do is to torment, twist, pervert, and torture people. Not only does this give them great, wicked delight, but in so doing they can manipulate humans into doing as much horror as possible – including killing.
  • Demons might not kill, but devils certainly do! They are of the world and so enjoy destroying that which is of the world. They also delight in vandalism, spreading disease, war, destruction – basically anything that helps to ruin some part of creation.
  • Although demons don’t kill people themselves, they delight in making people kill themselves; better yet is to make people kill others and then kill themselves.
  • Demons love to pervert anything they can, and the better (or, more appropriately, “more good” something is) the more they love to pervert it. This is why sexual violence is so delightfully delicious to them.
  • Demons of all earthly ranks can possess objects, as can evil human spirits be forced to by a demon. A demon can leave an object any time it wants; evil spirits can be forcibly bound to an object for all eternity, making the effects of the object worse over time.
  • Sacrifices are the main way in which Satanists worship Lucifer as well as gain in magical power. All human’s “rate” the same, though some demons prefer some sacrifices more than others – babies, children, families, etc. The less powerful the magic user the more sacrifices need to be offered to get benefits; magical power grows in proportion to the number of humans sacrificed. Either way, all demons want as many sacrifices as possible and want as much pain as possible – for instance, sacrifices by torture that lead to death, or death by burning, slow drowning, cutting out the heart, etc.
  • Magic works by making sacrifices to a demon and gaining its favor. In so doing, the demon grants some of the spirits it commands to serve the needs of the magic user. The more powerful the demon, the more spirits available, and so they more the witch, wizard, or sorcerer can do. The magic user will still need to perform rituals to make the spirits do what the user wants, and these are the individual “spells” they cast. The chief spirit will typically take an animal form to interact with the magic user, and this is their familiar. The magic user can speak directly to the familiar and dispatch it to do certain tasks without the need for casting a spell.
  • Not all murders nor all executions are sacrifices. Unless the human is sacrificed in a specific ritual and killed specifically for a demon or to gain magical power, then it isn’t a sacrifice. It’s just murder.
  • Satan doesn’t want to destroy the world, he wants to “uncreate” it. He wants to tear down human civilization. He wants to smash apart the Church. He does certainly want to harm and slaughter millions for revenge, but mostly he wants to rule the earth and be worshiped as a god. Everything he and his demons do are geared towards that goal.
  • Zombies have dead black eyes, unlike normal corpses. People under a mind control spell have glowing white eyes.
  • Demons can take any form they want, though they tend to prefer one or two, just the way people have favorite outfits. Regardless of what form they take it never diminishes their power. Sometimes they will take human form to communicate with a person, or to live in human society for years at a time to wreak as much havoc as possible. Sometimes they will be in a purely spiritual form, in which case they are invisible, though they can be “sensed” in various ways. Sometimes they take an animal form of their choosing.
  • Sometimes they will take their true demonic form, which is either in the “ethereal” form, in which case they appear as roiling black smoke, or the “corporeal” form, in which case they take a physical, horrifying appearance. It is the true demonic corporeal form, with horned heads and wings, etc., that most people think of when they imagine what a demon looks like.
  • A demon’s TDF will always be something horrifying and will always be some cobbling together of various animals with typically humanish forms. This is deliberate, because as the rebelling angels wanted to be the subversion of creation, God punished them by becoming a perversion of creation.
  • When in TDF and having human-like bodies, the skin color will always be of some unnatural color for a human. Various shades of red, jet black, corpse white, pale blue, sickly green, pus yellow. Though a TDF might suggest the shape of a human, the skin tone does not.
  • The eyes in TDF for the earth-bound demons will always be snake eyes; the hell-bound demons eyes’ glow red.
  • There are nine orders of demons, just as there are nine orders of angels: There is the Deity of Hell, who obviously is Satan. He is chained, in the very lowest pit of hell, by the word of God to the throne he wanted so very badly. He is unable to rise from the throne until Armageddon (or until some high-ranking demon can get to earth to perform a ritual to bring him here and bring about the end of days). Though he can’t move from the throne he communicates with his three Kings of Hell, who execute his long-range plans for the ongoing cosmic war with God. The three kings are in mock of the three kings of the Nativity, of the Holy Trinity, and of Holy Hour of 3:00. The three kings are Belial, Beelzebub, and Astaroth. The kings of hell may be summoned to earth, but it would take an immensely powerful magical user after having made many sacrifices to do so. Once here they could only ever take spiritual form, because possessing a body would cause it to turn immediately to ash.
  • Then are the High Lords of Hell; Balaam is of this level. This level, like the Kings, is also typically only in hell but can be summoned by a powerful magic user. They can possess a body for some time, but not without causing it significant damage and, after a time, consuming it to ash.
  • The remaining orders (the details of which I will post later) are all earth-bound, though they can return to hell to commune with the higher-ranking demons as they wish. They are: Lords of Hell, High Masters of Hell, Masters of Hell, Minions of Hell, Soldiers of Hell, and Spirits of Hell.
  • Spirits are just that, human spirits that have been unleashed from hell and returned to earth to torment, torture, and twist. Spirits and Soldiers are also what cause most house hauntings. Soldiers are often used to whisper in people’s mind to urge them to do very bad things.
  • Masters typically take up residence in some place for a time, twisting it into an evil place, causing the people there to fall into great evil. Masters take up residence in a space, and the lesser demons under them fan out, centered on the Master, to wreak what havoc they can anywhere they can.
  • Minions work with the small covens and the lone wolf Satanists.
  • The Lords work directly with the major covens and magic users and work especially with the Coven Universal in their world-wide plans. They are the liaison between the demons in hell and the powerful Satanists on earth. The High Masters fill out their commands.
  • Ultimately what this means is that for all the terror and trauma the earth-bound demons cause humans, they are fairly low-ranking in the overall demonic power structure. The power of the Kings and High Lords, even the Lords, is phenomenal.
  • The demonic power structure is absolute, which is odd because on one hand demons are utterly chaotic and unpredictable, yet on the other they are totally bound by their rank. There is no moving up in rank, ever. The demon is the rank they are for all eternity. They may well hate their superiors, may well want to throw them down, destroy them, take their place, but they literally cannot. Each rank can vaporize a demon of any lower rank, which would be an absolute destruction, an obliteration, a complete end to their existence – they call it an Annihilation, because it renders them into literal nothingness – and they can’t afford that. So, even though they’re filled with hate and lust and envy, a demon will obey an order without question.
  • Every demon, except for Spirits, has some demons under them for which they are responsible. These lower-ranking demons either carry out the plans of their direct superior or are part of a higher-ranking demon’s plans, which is communicated to them by their superior. It’s very much like the military.


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